Williams School of Dance is a family owned recreational dance studio nestled in the panhandle of Texas; serving families from Borger, Fritch, and Stinnett. Our mission is to provide a positive learning atmosphere while giving opportunities to dance within our small community. Combining passion, education, and fun, Williams School of Dance is committed to enhancing confidence, grace, and posture within each dancer that walks through the door. WSD believes that every child is beautifully and wonderfully made and every dance can have a studio they call “home.” Williams School of Dance is family focused studio, using age appropriate music, dance attire, and costuming during class and performances.

Let them praise His name with dancing -Psalm 149:3

Our Mission

Sara Williams- Owner & Instructor

Originally from the small farm-town of Blythe, CA, Sara and her family moved to Borger, TX in 2017 to serve in Ministry at a local church. Sara has been teaching dance for 22 years and taught in the state of California, Washington, and Texas. From state level pageant choreography to teaching hip hop, ballet, tap, acrobatics, jazz, and lyrical to all ages, Sara takes every opportunity to introduce students to the wonders of dance. Using the teachings of Anne Green Gilbert’s Brain Compatibility Education, and Andrea Trench’s Discover Dance, Sara gears her classes towards laying a foundation of musicality, conceptual learning, and creative movement. Sara loves to spend time creating music with her husband, Michael, riding roller coasters with her teenage son, Owen, and singing along to musicals with her two daughters, Norah and Emmy.

Emilie Poe- Instructor

Emilie, a native of Houston, Texas, brings her love for dance and education to Borger, where she settled with her husband Jarrett, in 2016, and then welcomed their three children Piper, Audrey, and Luke. With a background in Elementary Education and a Master's in curriculum and instruction, she's well-equipped to inspire young minds.

Having danced since she was two years old, Emilie has experience in tap, jazz, and danced ballet until graduating high school. Alongside her passion for dance, she finds joy in reading, hiking, and being outside in the sunshine with her family.

A devoted children's minister at Faith Covenant Church, Emilie brings her love for Jesus into every aspect of her life, infusing her teaching with warmth and compassion.