Studio Policies

Waiver of Liability and Photo/Video Release

Williams School of Dance, LLC requires a waiver of liability for each student registered for any of our classes and programs. This is required for any student before performing in recitals or other public performances.


Register is on-line or in person. Traditional classes run from early September through end of May with an end-of-the-year Dance Recital for every student. There is a non-refundable $25.00 registration. You will receive a statement after your registration and class request is processed. If registering online, money needs to be delivered (Venmo @SaraWilliamsDance, check, cash ) ASAP to save your spot in class.


Tuition is due during the FIRST WEEK of each month and considered late if not paid by the date indicated on the calendar. A $10 late fee will be added to any account not current by this date. This is a recurring charge that will be added each month if account is not brought current. Balances will be emailed, to the email on file, at the end of each month. Studio office hours are in the morning and before classes begin for the evening. If the teacher is teaching, she is unable to handle account balances, receipts, and ordering of dance clothes. There is a drop box available for dropping checks/cash. Please make sure student/account name is written on check. You can contact the studio, email, or message the studio if you any questions regarding your account and tuition charges. Financial information will only be discussed with account holder. Tuition is based off a full season (30-31 weeks) and averaged over 9 months (September-May). Tuition is NOT based on the number of classes in the month nor attendance. Monthly tuition will not be prorated or adjusted due to scheduled holiday closures or student absences. There is no refund for missed classes.

Tuition Prices: 1 Class- $50/month ($450/season)


We offer the following discounts on tuition: 

10% Discount on any account paid in full (full season) by  September 13, 2024

Policies for Classes

The below policies and procedures are in place to ensure that your child remains safe, engaged, and focused on class, as well as to give our teachers the ability to observe proper teaching techniques.

Student Pick Up and Drop Off: Students are required to enter studio doors immediately after drop off. Students will be released to parent(s)/guardian INSIDE studio building and will not be allowed to exit the building without a parent/guardian present. There is no waiting outside for ride. Students must remain inside for their safety. 

Student Policies: No gum is permitted anywhere in the studio. Food and drinks must be consumed in the waiting area only. Water (with a secure lid) is permitted in the dance spaces. Each class has required attire and shoes appropriate for the demands of the dance style. The required attire for each class can be found with the class description. Street clothes, jeans, crop tops, and baggy clothes (other than warmups) are prohibited in all classes. If a sweater is worn, it will only be allowed for the beginning of class during warmups. Jewelry is not permitted with the exception of small stud earrings. Hair is to be pulled off face and secured in ALL classes. 

Social Media Policy: Williams School of Dance, LLC dancers and dance families are expected to respect each other's privacy. Some dancers, teachers, and parents may not want their pictures posted online. Williams School of Dance, LLC expects dancers, teachers, and parents to obtain permission before posting pictures and videos to any online sources, including social media sites.

Inclement Weather: In the event of inclement weather, an announcement will appear on our facebook page and sent out through email.

Attendance :  We understand that family emergencies, sickness, and unexpected scenarios arise. Please try to make doctor appointments and vacation around your child’s dance day. If scheduling conflicts arise, remember that communication is KEY! Talk with your child’s teacher about makeup classes or temporary class adjustments that can be made. Even missing one student can affect an entire class lineup, group choreography, and your child’s technique. There is also time that has to be adjusted to ‘catch up’ the missing student on missed dance information. We get it! Life happens! Just keep communication open and we’ll find a way to make it work! Make up classes are permitted (and encouraged) in the event of a planned studio closure, snow day, or student absence. Make ups can be scheduled in advance of a planned absence or in the event of studio closure. If you need assistance identifying appropriate make up options, please speak with your child’s instructor. 

If a student missing 3 classes in a row, he/she will be dropped from the class. Contact with family and make-up classes will always be the first attempts to avoid dropping.

Dropping A Class: If you would like to drop your child from a class, please fill out a ‘DROP FORM’. You will be responsible for money owed until this form is filled out and signed. 

Costume Policy: Each dancer will be invited to dance in our Annual Dance Recital in May. Each dancer will be required to purchase a dance recital costume. Combination classes (PreK-3rd grade) will perform two routines (tap and ballet), requiring two different costumes. Acrobatics, Hip Hop, Jazz, Ballet, Tap, and Tiny Dancers will perform once. Combo classes will have a fee of $90 for their two costumes. All other single performance classes will be $65. This deposit is due at the time of NOVEMBER tuition, but can be made in installments in the months prior. We order costumes the first week in December and cannot order your dancer a costume if this fee is not paid. Sadly, we have seen prices for costumes jump almost 25% over this past year. We will try our hardest to find the most cost effective way to get your dancer a beautiful costume for their Dance Recital. Please understand, WSD does not look to make a profit on costumes. We do have to factor in tax, shipping, complimentary tights (for combo classes) and any alterations. We do not provide itemized receipts and all costume sales are FINAL!